Department of Physics and Astronomy
Committee Area of Responsibility Chair Members
Planning Advises the Head on issues of departmental policies, strategic planning, faculty searches Thomas Papenbrock Cristian Batista, Elbio Dagotto, Jaan Mannik, Tony Mezzacappa, Kate Jones, George Siopsis, Stefan Spanier
Faculty Promotion and Tenure Committee Review and recommendation on faculty retention, tenure, and promotion Mike Guidry Adolfo Eguiluz, Robert Grzywacz, Yuri Kamyshkov, Adriana Moreo
Equity and Community Committee Implement diversity plan Adriana Moreo Adrian Del Maestro, Mike Fitzsimmons, Tova Holmes, Kate Jones, Miguel Madurga, Catherine Longmire, graduate student (tba)
Awards Committee Award nominations for faculty and staff Robert Grzywacz Elbio Dagotto, Raph Hix, Stefan Spanier 
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee - Physics Majors Curricular, recruiting and admission issues for undergraduate physics majors Tony Mezzacappa Kate Jones, Max Lavrentovich, Joon Sue Lee, Norman Mannella, Christine Nattrass (ex-officio), Lucas Platter
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee - General education and service courses Curriculum for general education and service courses Jian Liu Marianne Breinig, Christine Cheney, Yuri Efremenko, Ruixing Zhang, Margie Abdelrazek, Nau Raj Pokhrel
Astronomy Curriculum Committee  Astronomy curriculum, instruction, and planetarium Raph Hix Mike Guidry, Sean Lindsay, Andrew Steiner
Graduate Curriculum Committee Graduate curriculum, graduate admission policies, graduate degree programs Thomas Papenbrock Cristian Batista, Steve Johnston (ex-officio), Stefan Spanier, graduate student representative
Undergraduate Mentoring Committee  Mentor undergraduate physics majors Christine Nattrass  Mike Guidry, Tony Mezzacappa, Jian Liu, Norman Mannella, Jaan Mannik, Adriana Moreo, Lucas Platter, Haidong Zhou.
Undergraduate Scholarships Select scholarship applicants Max Lavrentovich Catherine Longmire, Kate Jones, Hanno Weitering (ex-officio)
Graduate Student Liason Advise the Department Head on issues related to the graduate program GPS President  
Undergraduate Student Liaison Advise the Department Head on issues related to the undergraduate program President of SPS  
Peer Teaching Evaluations Peer evaluation of faculty teaching Marianne  Breinig Tony Mezzacappa, Norman Mannella, Thomas Papenbrock, Raph Hix. Haidong Zhou
Graduate Student Recruitment and Admissions Recruiment of graduate students.  Admission to the graduate program. Mike Fitzsimmons Adrian Del Maestro, Nadia Fomin, Mike Guidry, Tova Holmes, Joon Sue Lee, Jaan Mannik, Andrew Steiner, Haidong Zhou, 
Graduate Advising Administer and evaluate placement exams for new graduate students; graduate advising Norman Mannella Adolfo Eguiluz, George Siopsis, Andrew Steiner
Student Appeals Review Review student complaints as final step of internal appeals process Yuri Kamyshkov  Marianne Breinig, Ken Read
Endowment Development and Alumni Relations Develop a program for soliciting and receiving gifts for alumni, friends, and corporations, and identify departmental areas of needs and objectives Hanno Weitering Catherine Longmire
Lounge Committee Promote social activities Miguel Madurga Larry Lee, Showni Medlin, graduate and undergraduate student representatives
Shop Committee Review use and operation of Electronics and Instrument Shop services Robert Grzywacz Kate Jones (ex-officio), Yuri Kamyshkov, Jaan Mannik
Bylaw Review Committee Review and update the departmental bylaws Robert Grzywacz Elbio Dagotto, Stefan Spanier