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National Nuclear Physics Summer School

July 8-19, 2019

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Information will be added as it's made available.

Dr. Fomin's Introductory Slides

Schedule, Resources, and Contacts

Lecture Topics

• Fundamental Symmetries (Weak Interaction through PV)
• Jefferson Lab in the 12 GeV era
• Neutrino Physics
• Fundamental Neutron Physics (neutron beta decay, nEDM)
• Electron-Ion Collider—an experimentalist’s perspective
• Bayesian Analyses
• Low Energy Nuclear Theory
• Low Energy Nuclear Experiment
• Nuclear Astrophysics
• Quark Gluon Plasma


Opens April 15, 2019 and closes May 31, 2019.
There will be a small activity fee.

Room & Board

For Participants: on-campus new dorms and PCB cafeteria (covered)
For Speakers: Four Points by Sheraton and PCB cafeteria (covered). Travel for speakers is covered.

Organizing Committee

• N. Fomin (UT -host)
• M. Madurga Flores (UT)
• C. Nattrass (UT)
• C. Rasco (ORNL)



With support from the NSF, ORNL Physics Division, and Jefferson Science Associates. Hosted by the UT Department of Physics and Astronomy.

NSF ORNL and JSA logos UT Physics and Astronomy logo